Complete Ready-Made Pub Quiz
Pack Number 326

Handout Sheet
A mix of pics puzzles and teasers

  • Literary Acting Roles
    Six well-known actors playing fictional characters, a point for the character and one for the novel in which they appeared
    Word Play
    Three questions with clues leading to a two-word answer, the second being the same as the first but in reverse.
    e.g. Forwards it means to exist, backwards it means wicked = Live/Evil
    Four Dingbats to solve. New to dingbats? – they are puzzles to work out based on the layout of words, letters or numbers etc, here are a couple of examples:
    PO MUM LICE Ans = Mother in law
    STEP PETS PETS Ans = One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
    Number One Pop Blockbusters
    A year is given of a UK number one hit, along with the initial letters of both the artist and song title, the aim is to name them both.
    e.g.1983 – BJ had a hit with UG = Billy Joel / Uptown Girl
    Bits ‘n’ Bobs
    Name a film from its description – A comic character to identify – Cryptic clue to a holiday island

Round 1: Link-a-Letter
• The initial letters of each answer will spell a place name in the U.S.
Round 2: Five x Five
• Five questions, each with a one-word, five letter answer
Round 3: GK and Pot Luck
• A selection of ten General Knowledge and Pot Luck questions
Round 4: Chain Letters
• A round of ten questions where the second question onward begins with the last letter of the previous answer
Round 5: Quiz-Link
• The aim in this round is to take a word or words contained in four answers and work out what the common link is
Round 6: The Final Countdown
• Rounding off the quiz with another great selection of ten general knowledge and pot luck questions

There are two tiebreakers, both relevant to questions used in the main quiz

This Quiz Pack is supplied in a zip folder containing everything you need to run your quiz
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Note: Packs are available separately on the Handouts and Fifty Question Quiz Pages