Complete Ready-Made Pub Quiz
Pack Number 319
Handout Sheet
A mix of pics puzzles and teasers
Around Europe
Eight statements that apply to different European countries, plus a map of Europe with a letter in each of those countries. The aim is to firstly name the country the statement applies to, and secondly match the relevant letter on the map
At The Movies – Famous Last Lines
Given the last lines of three films, along with their year of release, can teams name the titles?
Mixed-Up Faces
Three pictures where each features two famous names morphed into one
Odd One Out
The aim in this round is to identify the odd item from three different lists
Bits ‘n’ Bobs
A 1968 UK hit to name from its lyrics – A Dingbat to solve – A quote recently in the news
Fifty Question Quiz
Rounds two and five have 5 questions, all other rounds have 10 questions
Round 1: Link-a-Letter
• The initial letters of each answer will spell the name of a female singer
Round 2: Double Initials
• Each answer in this round has two words, each beginning with the same letter
Round 3: GK and Pot Luck
• A selection of ten General Knowledge and Pot Luck questions
Round 4: Just One Name
• Each question leads to the name of a person generally known by one name
Round 5: Quiz-Link
• The aim in this round is to take a word or words contained in four answers and work out what the common link is
Round 6: The Final Countdown
• Rounding off the quiz with another great selection of ten general knowledge and pot luck questions
There are two tiebreakers, both relevant to questions used in the main quiz
This Quiz Pack is supplied in a zip folder containing everything you need to run your quiz Note: Packs are available separately on the Handouts and Fifty Question Quiz Pages
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