Complete Ready-Made Pub Quiz
Pack Number 380
Handout Sheet
A mix of pics puzzles and teasers
Film Biographes
The aim in this round to name both the actor pictured, and the real-life person they are portraying on-screen
Famous Phrase Anagrams
Three anagrams to unravel – all famous phrases, teams are given the number of words/letters, along with a hint as to who the quote is attributed to
Royal Mail Stamps
Images from three stamps released as a video games collection by the Royal Mail in 2020; the aim is to name the game
Word Play – Rhyme Thyme
Three clues that lead to a two-word rhyming answer
e.g. An incorrect melody = wrong song
Bits ‘n’ Bobs
A mnemonic phrase that should help remember a certain sequence – A Dingbat to solve – Cryptic clue to a well-known proverb
Fifty Question Quiz
Rounds two and five have 5 questions, all other rounds have 10 questions
Round 1: Link-a-Letter
• The initial letters of each answer will spell a nationality
Round 2: 50/50
• Five questions, each with a choice of two answers
Round 3: GK and Pot Luck
• A selection of ten General Knowledge and Pot Luck questions
Round 4: Numbers
• All ten answers in this round either are, or contain, a number
Round 5: Quiz-Link
• The aim in this round is to take a word or words contained in four answers and work out what the common link is
Round 6: The Final Countdown
• Rounding off the quiz with another great selection of ten general knowledge and pot luck questions
There are two tiebreakers, both relevant to questions used in the main quiz
This Quiz Pack is supplied in a zip folder containing everything you need to run your quiz Note: Packs are available separately on the Handouts and Fifty Question Quiz Pages
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