Pub Quiz Handout
Pack Number 229
A mix of twenty pictures, puzzles and trivia
This Handout Features:
Six Dingbats to solve. New to dingbats? – they are puzzles to work out based on the layout of words, letters or numbers etc, here are a couple of examples:
PO MUM LICE Ans = Mother in law
STEP PETS PETS Ans = One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Sum It Up
Four questions where the aim is to total up numbers based on clues
e.g. The number of squares on a chess board + The number of minutes in a day + the square root of 576. Ans = 1528 (64+1440+24)
Three pictures
Type of Hat – Company Logo – Stage Musical
Word Play
Four sets of three words where a word will go before or after each set to make three new words or phrases.
e.g. A seven letter word that can go before City, Flame and Youth. Ans = Eternal
Bits ‘n’ Bobs
Cryptic clue to a capital city – An anagram to unravel – A 2008 hit song to name from its lyrics
This Handout is supplied in a zip file containing two files, one with the answers and a copy without. Files are supplied in both PDF (ideal for printing) and word format (making it easy to make changes if needed.)
Note: This Handout forms part of Complete Quiz 229