Ready-Made 40 Question Quiz
Pack Number 554

Four Rounds of Ten Questions
Includes Everything You Need To Run A Fun Pub Quiz!

Round 1: Pyramid
• The first question has one answer, the second two, the third three and the fourth four, 1 point for each correct answer

Round 2: General Knowledge
• A selection of ten quality General Knowledge quiz questions

Round 3: Four Letter Words
• All ten questions in this round lead to a one or two-word answer, all with four letters

Round 4: Pot Luck
• Finish off your quiz with a great range of Pot Luck questions

Sample Questions
• Two questions from Round 2 (General Knowledge) and two from Round 4 (Pot Luck)

1. What word refers to a home seller accepting a better offer on their home, despite being in the process of selling to someone else?
2. What word connects a term used to describe the congregation of a local Christian church to the waste wool or cotton filling used to stuff furniture and mattresses?
3. Despite calling him ‘Uncle Arthur’ throughout the series, which ‘Dad’s Army’ character was later revealed to be the son of ‘Sergeant Arthur Wilson’?
Private (Frank) Pike
4. The dance move to which 1960’s hit was described by its singer as ‘putting out a cigarette with both feet, and coming out of a shower wiping your bottom with a towel to the beat’?
The Twist (Chubby Checker)

Includes a tiebreaker relevant to a question contained in the quiz

This Quiz Pack is supplied in a zip folder containing everything you need to run your quiz
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