Ready-Made 40 Question Quiz
Pack Number 614

Four Rounds of Ten Questions
Includes Everything You Need To Run A Fun Pub Quiz!

Round 1: Link-a-Letter
• The initial letters of each answer, in order, will spell the stage name of a well-known person
Clues are provided so you can make this round easier by reading out some or all of these…
On the other hand you can make the round a little harder by simply reading out the questions in a random order to create an ‘Anagram Round’

Round 2: General Knowledge
• A selection of ten quality General Knowledge quiz questions

Round 3: Entertainment Mix
• A variety of questions from TV, Film, Music and Sport

Round 4: Pot Luck
• Finish off your quiz with a great range of Pot Luck questions

Sample Questions
• Two questions from Round 2 (General Knowledge) and two from Round 4 (Pot Luck)

1. Which French chemist and biologist invented the process of pasteurisation?
Louis Pasteur
2. In terms of both area and population, what is the largest of the Greek Islands?
3. In food, what is mixed with dark chocolate to make a ganache?
4. (Due to its likeness of a more valuable substance), the mineral iron pyrite is more commonly known by what name?
Fool’s Gold

Includes a tiebreaker relevant to a question contained in the quiz

This Quiz Pack is supplied in a zip folder containing everything you need to run your quiz
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