Ready-Made 40 Question Quiz
Pack Number 617
Four Rounds of Ten Questions
Includes Everything You Need To Run A Fun Pub Quiz!
Round 1: Multiple Choice
• Ten questions where each has a choice of three answers – the options for each answer are pre-printed on the Team Answer Sheet supplied with this quiz
Round 2: General Knowledge
• A selection of ten quality General Knowledge quiz questions
Round 3: As Easy As A, B, C
• Each answer in this round begins with the letters A, B, or C!
Round 4: Pot Luck• Finish off your quiz with a great range of Pot Luck questions
Sample Questions
• Two questions from Round 3 (As Easy As A, B, C) and two from Round 4 (Pot Luck)
1. What (animal) slang term is commonly used to describe a woman who seeks a romantic relationship with a man significantly younger than herself?
2. Which (1942) Disney film features the song ‘Little April Showers’?
3. What word describes an animal that eats both plants and meat?
4. In an alphabetical list of countries, which would appear last?
Includes a tiebreaker relevant to a question contained in the quiz
This Quiz Pack is supplied in a zip folder containing everything you need to run your quiz
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