Quiz-Links 01
Fifty Questions – Ten Rounds
Popular Quiz Rounds where the aim is to take a word, or words contained in four answers and then work out what the link is between them
Round 01. Types of Weapons
Round 02. Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em
Round 03. Types of Dance
Round 04. Types of Hat
Round 05. Members of Take That
Round 06. Famous Jeremy’s
Round 07. Months of the Year
Round 08. Bridges
Round 09. Fishing Terms
Round 10. Words that go before ‘Dog’
These are three questions from the first round where the link is ‘Types of Weapons’;
01. In the world of comedy, Thomas Derbyshire and Robert Harper are more commonly referred to by what name?
Cannon and Ball
02. Which popular song contains the names ‘Jenny Diver’, ‘Sukey Tawdry’, ‘Lotte Lenya’ and ‘Lucy Brown’?
Mack The Knife
03. The statue of justice which stands on top of the Old Bailey has her arms outstretched holding aloft which two items?
Scales and Sword
Link Words; Cannon, Knife, Sword
Quiz packs are supplied in a zip file with a 3 page PDF file (ideal for printing) and a copy in Word format (making it easy to make changes if needed).
Note: The rounds in this pack appear in 50 Question Quiz Packs 227 to 232, 235, 279, 280, 282