Complete Ready-Made Pub Quiz
Pack Number 229
Handout Sheet
A mix of pics puzzles and teasers
Six Dingbats to solve. New to dingbats? – they are puzzles to work out based on the layout of words, letters or numbers etc, here are a couple of examples:
PO MUM LICE Ans = Mother in law
STEP PETS PETS Ans = One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Sum It Up
Four questions where the aim is to total up numbers based on clues
e.g. The number of squares on a chess board + The number of minutes in a day + the square root of 576. Ans = 1528 (64+1440+24)
Three pictures
Type of Hat – Company Logo – Stage Musical
Word Play
Four sets of three words where a word will go before or after each set to make three new words or phrases.
e.g. A seven letter word that can go before City, Flame and Youth. Ans = Eternal
Bits ‘n’ Bobs
Cryptic clue to a capital city – An anagram to unravel – A 2008 hit song to name from its lyrics
Fifty Question Quiz
Rounds two and five have 5 questions, all other rounds have 10 questions
Round 1: Link-a-Letter
• The initial letters of each answer will spell a film title
Round 2: 50/50
• Five questions where each has a choice of two answers
Round 3: GK and Pot Luck
• A selection of ten General Knowledge and Pot Luck questions
Round 4: Initially Speaking
• In this round all the answers begin with the initials ‘S and C’
Round 5: Quiz-Link
• The aim in this round is to take a word or words contained in four answers and work out what the common link is
Round 6: The Final Countdown
• Rounding off the quiz with another great selection of ten general knowledge and pot luck questions
There are two tiebreakers, both relevant to questions used in the main quiz
This Quiz Pack is supplied in a zip folder containing everything you need to run your quiz Note: Packs are available separately on the Handouts and Fifty Question Quiz Pages
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